Admission process

Contact Form

Fill out our contact form online or by visiting the school. If the form is submitted online, our Admissions team will contact you as soon as possible to provide you with information and arrange an appointment at the school.

Visit the establishment

Visit us! Our team will introduce you to the school and the program, and will show you around the facility.

Admission test

Schedule an admission test for your child. The test results will be communicated to you in the following days.

Complete the registration form

Has your child been admitted? Come to the school with the required documents and pay the registration fees to secure your child's place next year!

Mandatory documents for all students

Certificate of education
Birth certificate
School reports from previous years and the current year
2 recent passport photos
Completed registration form (download here)


Enrollment fees

Registration Fees | Enrollment Fees Re-registration fees | Re-enrollment Fees
Before June 30 After June 30 Before June 30 After June 30

200,000 FCFA

250,000 FCFA 150,000 FCFA 175,000 FCFA
These fees are non-refundable. This fee is non-refundable.
Frais Scolaires - Enko Dakar

Tuition Fees 2024-2025

Level TOTAL Payment in 1 installment Payment in 3 installments
Kindergarten Registration fee + 1,599,000 Registration fee + 639,600 upon registration 639,600 before 11/30/2024 319,800 before 02/28/2025
Primary Registration fee + 1,899,000 Registration fee + 759,600 upon registration 759,600 before 11/30/2024 379,800 before 02/28/2025
From 6th to 3rd grade 2 149 000 859,600 upon registration 859,600 before 11/30/2024 429,800 before 02/28/2025
2nd 2 599 000 1,036,600 upon registration 1,036,600 before 11/30/2024 519,800 before 02/28/2025
1st and final year 2 899 000 1,159,600 at registration 1,159,600 before 11/30/2024 579,800 before 02/28/2025
Download tuition fees

Payment Policy

Payment terms | Payment rules
✓          Payment of registration and tuition fees must be made by check, bank transfer or direct deposit to the bank.

✓ Payment reference: Name First name Class

✓ Proof of payment must be communicated to the school's admissions department or sent by email to [email protected]

✓ Payment of enrollment and school fees must be paid by check, bank transfer or deposit.

✓ Payment reference: Surname Name Grade

✓ Proof of payment must be either handed to the school finance department or emailed to [email protected]

Bank Details

Banking details | Banking details
Holder: Enko Education Senegal SAS

Bank Code: SN094

Branch code: 01001

Account number: 1210 4112 5601

RIB key: 10

IBAN: SN094 01001 1210 4112 5601 10



Reference : NAME First name Class
