Enko Education
Enko Waca Profile 2024-2025
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A Launchpad to the World's Best Universities

About Enko Education

Enko Education, a fast-growing network of African international schools, is dedicated to providing students across the continent with access to the world's top universities. Our African International Schools of Choice are built on three key pillars: African Roots, Global Wings, and Future-Oriented. Enko Education is guided by its core values of being caring, committed, pathmakers, and team-spirited, fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment. Through its exclusive Knowledge for College programme, Enko Education equips students with the skills and personalized guidance to navigate the university application process and explore global career opportunities, empowering them for a bright future. Currently, Enko Education operates 16 schools in 10 African countries. Students accepted to Columbia University (USA), University of Pennsylvania (USA), Yale University (USA), Sciences Po (Fr), the University of Toronto (Canada), African Leadership University (Rwanda).

Enko Waca Campus

Address: Almadies, opposite the U.S. Embassy Dakar, Senegal

IB World School Code: 060207

UCAS Center Code: 42480

SAT Centre Number: 77338

CEEB Code: 626031

Country Director: Mr. Lorne Bird ([email protected])

Head of School: Mrs. Binta M. Fall ([email protected])

IB Coordinator & School Community Contact: Mr. Siménou Thomas Titrikou ([email protected])

Acting University Guidance Counsellor: Ms. Ketevan Maghlakelidze

Senior Manager of University Admissions: [email protected]

Phone: +221 33 820 49 29 / +221 76 924 52 53

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.enkoeducation.com/waca

School History & Profile

Enko Waca, formerly known as West African College of the Atlantic (2018), is a selective bilingual, secular, and co-ed school that opened its doors in 1996 in Dakar, Senegal, with the ambition to offer its students a bilingual education with an international perspective. Enko Waca was the first International Baccalaureate school in Senegal, achieving accreditation in September 2000. In September 2018, Enko Education acquired the school and became Enko Waca Campus. Its objective is to prepare students for social and professional success, opening the door to opportunities to study at internationally recognized institutions of higher education and providing students with the means to become responsible global citizens by learning individual responsibility and collective action. Our learners are mostly Senegalese from middle-class families, with the ambition to study at the world's best universities. Learners learn to grow African roots and global wings, by learning about their African cultures while being exposed to travel opportunities through study tours and conferences. Our current alumni make up some of Senegal's leading entrepreneurs, politicians, and financial advisors.

Our Pillars

  • African Roots
  • Global Wings
  • Future Oriented


The institution is accredited by the Senegalese Ministry of Education and the International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva. From Grade 7 to Grade 10, Enko Waca provides a French-based Senegalese secondary education reinforced by elements from French, British, and American programs, leading to the Senegalese BFEM, and the International Baccalaureate Bilingual Diploma Programme in Grades 12 and 13. For learners coming from the national curriculum, Enko Waca has developed a "Foundation Year" in Grade 11, which allows learners to transition to the IB curriculum and maximize their chances of success at the IB.

IBDP Subjects

Subject HL SL
French A Literature V V
English B Language Acquisition V V
Business Management in English V n/a
Economics V V
History V V
Environmental Systems and Societies n/a V
Biology V V
Chemistry V V
Physics V V
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches V S

Extracurricular Activities

All students are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities. However, there are few clubs that are offered through the school. That being said, there are sports teams such as soccer and basketball available to students. All IB students are required to complete the IB CAS (Creativity Action Service) requirement in order to graduate. This includes individual projects and group activities approved by the IB and CAS Coordinators.

Knowledge for College

The K4C (Knowledge for College) program, an exclusive initiative of Enko Education, is a comprehensive three-year curriculum commencing with the MYP (10th Grade). This program is designed to educate students about higher education opportunities both locally and globally. It has been specifically developed to address the readiness gaps for higher education among local students. K4C is committed to empowering African youth to explore their purpose, pursue further education, and thrive in an ever-evolving world. Our approach guides students in developing essential skills in communication, self-management, and problem-solving, enabling them to effectively research and evaluate their future opportunities.

Grading and Ranking Procedures

Students at Enko Waca Campus are neither ranked nor do they receive a cumulative GPA. Grading is based on the International Baccalaureate (IB) grade system of a 1-7 scale, with 3 being the minimum passing grade. Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay are part of the two-year IB Diploma. Students take six courses and can earn up to 42 points. This is added to the possible 3 points for exemplary performance in the TOK course and Extended Essay, resulting in a total point score of 45. Enko Waca Campus does not convert IB points to any other grading system.

University Acceptances

Some university acceptances are highlighted below by region:

  • BEM Dakar
  • Bordeaux Management School
  • California State University - Bakersfield
  • Dakar American University of Science and Technology
  • ESSEC Africa
  • Groupe ISM
  • Heriot-Watt University
  • Howard University
  • Hult International Business School
  • Laval University
  • New York University - Abu Dhabi
  • Royal Holloway University - University of London
  • Suffolk University
  • The University of Montreal
  • Université du Québec à Montréal
  • University of Guelph
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • University of Ottawa
  • University of Westminster
  • Western University
  • York University

© 2024 Enko Waca. All rights reserved.


16 Schools


10 Countries


7000+ Students

Welcome Message

Welcome Message from Head of School

Située à la Pointe des Almadies, l’école Enko Waca (ex-lycée International Bilingue) accueille dans un cadre convivial quelque 300 élèves âgés de 11 à 19 ans. Cette entité a rejoint en septembre 2018 le réseau Enko Education.

L’établissement prépare les élèves au brevet sénégalais à la fin du premier cycle et au Baccalauréat International de Genève. Ce diplôme constitue un sésame pour intégrer les meilleures écoles du monde. En atteste le palmarès éloquent de l’école depuis la première promotion du Baccalauréat International en 2002. Nos élèves ont intégré des universités de renom telles que Mc Gill au Canada, Georges Washington aux États-Unis.

La philosophie de Enko Education est en parfaite harmonie avec celle du B.I. Cette philosophie s’articule autour de quatre valeurs cultivées par les apprenants, à savoir : l’engagement, la bienveillance, l’esprit d’équipe, l’attitude de pionnier.  L’enseignement et la philosophie en vigueur dans l’établissement préparent les enseignés à être des « Citoyens du monde ». Le bilinguisme, voire le multilinguisme est devenu au XXIᵉ siècle, un aspect incontournable dans tout enseignement qui se veut universel.
Nous vous invitons, chers parents et chers élèves à visiter notre site et notre établissement. Vous y serez accueillis par une équipe dynamique et dévouée

Lorne Bird
Director of Schools, Enko Senegal
