Enko Capital’s scholarship assessments, which took place on July 9 and 30, saw over 120 candidates take part in the events. The South Africa-based investment company, through this initiative, [...]
Les 9 et 30 juillet derniers se sont tenu les concours de bourses Enko Capital, une société d’investissement basée en Afrique du Sud qui, au travers de cette initiative, cherche à donner [...]
With the increasing thirst for admission to the world’s top universities among many Africans and the resulting slow, sometimes discouraging, reactions from the destination countries to [...]
The best gift parents can give their children is a quality education; one that prepares them for success in life and opens doors to a fulfilling life. It is therefore not surprising to see [...]
Michel Lobé Ewané describes the roots and the model of Enko Education in a 3-page article, published in the September 2014 edition of Forbes Afrique. Click here to read the article: Forbes [...]
The International School Complex La Gaieté and Enko Education proudly introduce their new international program at La Gaieté. For more details Enko Education Investments – Press release [...]