Letter to Enko Education parents with children in DP2

 In #COVID-19

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

As promised, we are coming back with more information for our students in the DP2.

The IB has recently published more information about how they will award diplomas and courses to candidates. Please find below a summary of important information for your children: 

  • DP2 students must submit all their coursework (ToK essays, Internal Assessment, etc.) to the school as soon as possible since the IB will be marking all that work.
  • Final grades for May 2020 examinations will be based on students’ work and a mass of other data that the IB has on previous years’ assessment.
  • Sadly, students who registered for re-takes but who decided to carry forward their Internal Assessment from previous sessions will not be awarded a grade for May 2020. We have appealed against this decision (and asked for re-take examinations to be made available in French for November 2020). We are waiting for further news and will keep our parents and students informed.

You can find more information on the IB website.

Please also find below more information about university admissions: 

  • Meetings with DP 2 students are held online every week by Mrs. Ketevan Maghlakelidze, Enko Education’s Group University Admissions Manager together with the schools’ university counselors. Those meetings help to follow up on university applications that have been submitted or are in the process of submission.
  • A dedicated electronic online platform (CIALFO) has been purchased for Enko students to manage the university application process. It is the main tool for communication between students and counselors. 
  • There are no significant changes in the university application/admission/ enrolment processes for now. However, some updates will come. Please, make sure your children are attentive to their emails and notifications from universities, and that they communicate with their counselors and respond rapidly to their queries.
  • We are keeping in close communication with university admissions offices around the world and will make sure that any significant changes or news are communicated to you in a timely manner.

Ginette Dalpé
Regional Director
Enko Education

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