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In Burkina Faso, Education in Africa, Enko Blog, Enko Ouaga, Français, Fundraising, Press, Press Release, Scholarships
Posted Okan awards scholarships of excellence to five Burkinabe students in partnership with Enko Education
Paris, September 9, 2019 – As part of its philanthropic policy, Okan is pleased to announce awarding excellence scholarships to 5 secondary school students in Burkina Faso, which [...]
By admin
In Burkina Faso, Education in Africa, Enko Bamako, Enko Blog, Français, International education, Mali, Press, Press Release
Posted With two newly accredited schools, Enko Education officially becomes the largest network of schools offering the International Baccalaureate in Africa!
With two newly accredited schools, Enko Education officially becomes the largest network of schools offering [...]
In Ouagadougou, solar panels for better learning conditions
In Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, power cuts are legion. Sometimes planned, often unexpected, they are the daily life of thousands of learners in Burkina Faso, [...]